All ads should have a price listed and the general area where you live. Personally, I wouldn't put a phone number, members can PM you...but that is up to you
If you have a question for the seller, PM him
If you have a similar item for sale, start a new thread. That way it does not infringe on the other guys ad and yours gets noticed better
When sold or when found please P.M. Poncho62 or Workin Class for removal
Any questions or suggestions on this, PM me....thanks
I have decided to change the way that the Swap Meet section works....When I see an ad on the board, the thread is going to be closed. If you have a question for the seller, PM them.
I feel I have to do this as the comments on ads are getting to be a bit much.....If you dont like the way an ad is worded or the info in it, dont bother with it
admin. saw a problem/bottle neck... sight adjustment to make things run smoother in a timely fashion.. some other admin.s could certinaly learn from that!!!good job.
two wrongs don,t make a right, but three lefts do.