Set 1
By Darwin Kent
Reality; A test of Mind and Spirit And BODY. (`-`)
Thank you For posting that.. Darwin does a hell of a job taking pictures of these shows..Thank you Darwin..I appreciate your pictures.. just great
The hot rod culture is alive and well, some outstanding stuff there really creative minds and really really cool cars...good mix..
Fast Elvis wrote:Great pictures...and a real good time hanging out in the basement at the Autorama Extreme.
Great pictures...and a real good time hanging out in the basement at the Autorama Extreme.
Whooooweeeee that was a great weekend!
Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.
Darwin is sure in his "happy place" with a camera in that big mit. Thanks Bud I know how much effort there is goi9ng into these posts