Hi Canucktruck. My name is Bob and I live on Ohio. I stumbled accross this site and saw your ad here for the pistons and rings. Are these flat top pistons with valve reliefs ? I am interested in them and wondered what it would cost to send them to my zip code 44138. Please let me know. You can also send info. to my email address twolaneblktp@yahoo.com. Thanks !
You'd best send Gary a "private message" on the site, as he sometimes doesn't come on for a time. Just click on his "Canucktruck" & click on "send message" that will trigger a e-mail notice to him to check message!! Pete
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good eitherĀ !!!!
They look good. If you can get a weight and the size of box or boxes they will fit in, I will figure out what it will take to get them shipped here. Thanks !