3rd picture reminds of an old Chrysler Newport boat Or maybe our old Plymouth fury?? we used to have both when I was just a wee youngin
Only ours were blue. They went like snot but man the new port.......did it ever pull to the left
I remember when my Mom first got her license and my Dad bought her a dart swinger. Wish I knew then what I know now
My "seat" was always the armrest. It made a great booster seat so I could actually see over the dash. I remember trying to navigate those things around town when I was about 7 and my dad would be laughing his head off.
Man I sure miss those dayzzz. I did and still do those things with my kids, just different cars/trucks. I hope they will look back and laugh
Great pics Workin thanks for posting.
-- Edited by janies dirty 37 on Monday 6th of January 2014 08:13:09 PM
I just can't get into 4 door sedans no matter what it is. Wagons and 4 door hard tops in some cases but thats it. To me a 4 door sedan is a parts car. Sorry but that's how I feel.
I used to feel the same, but age has a way of helping one to look back and see things in a different light I like a ton of things I never would have given a second thought to a few years ago..I never thought I would own a mini-van or a 4dr Suv or sleep with a 70 year old grandmaw.. but that was when I was 25..Now that I am a 70 year old grandpaw I see beauty, maturity, challenges, convenience, affordability, availability, uniqueness, all these things I see through a different screen that I viewed all these through in the past..You will see more clearly when you get to the wisdom years..There is value with creativity and lots of fun even in mordors....
Good point. Id also like to add....the young, the part time employee in school full time spending his hard earned $ on their car rather than parties booze or drugs....and having something to show for it now and the future and for the young, entry level hotrodders can not afford 2 drs. The cost of a super clean 4dr vs a rotten 2dr is not rocket science either.
Geez! I remember having an old Ambassador wagon like that when the kids were little and the dogs wanted to go every where we went. Made a decent second car but I couldn't wait to get rid of it. Now that one's making me feel differently. Some pretty cool rides here no matter how many doors they have.
My wife wants me to see things from a woman's point of view, so now I spend a lot of time looking out the kitchen window