Got to thinking about words and phrases I've seen over the years when someone is describing their vehicle , be it for sale or just in conversation .
My first experience was an ad , back in the 60's , for a 1956 Chevy 2 dr , described as " mint " and best offer . I was looking for my first car , so drove over to see it . Mind you the body was excellent ( I was too young and foolish to know if there was any bondo ) but the interior looked like a bomb had gone off ...ripped to shreds . MINT ? I had something else in mind ....offered him $225 as I recall, which was rejected . I ended up with a very nice '55 Chev 150 , 2 door for $475 ( first car )
Dodge for Sale. Heat works. Just not at your feet. All year round, even when you'd rather have A/C. Comes with a roll of duct tape, you supply the dryer duct hose.
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
Ya..... I shake my head at that one. Rightly or wrongly not usually associated as a good thing with most guy's. But I know lots of people in general who don't even know how to open there hood.
You can see pretty quickly if it was maintained or not. I don't care what the ad say's. It what I see/hear when I go look/drive it.
My personal fave is needs TLC. Who the hell wants something they have to show "tender loving care"to
I want to have something I can drive the crap out of.....when/if need be. But that's just me.
Ran when parked.(10 yrs ago)
Would make a good rat rod.(no floors and parts missing)
Sitting on aS10 frame.(can't figure out how to fix it)
Already chopped ,hard work done.(can't find any glass)
How about 90% complete?
How about owned it for 2 weeks wife can't drive standard!
Only needs battery?
Will pass safety easily!
Will pass etest
If it will then do it.
If it needs $20 used battery get one
Your wife could not drive stick before you bought it?
Only 1 owner but I'm 3 rd in possession.
Hmm you didn't pay the taxes. ILLEGAL!!!
1) " Doesn't burn a drop of oil ! " ....right , it throws about 4 quarts of oil per day on account of the blown rear main seal ...doesn't get a chance to burn
2) " Highway Miles " ....what , you live on the highway ? .... 'course it's better than "field driven " I suppose .
i knew this guy in this area who died a couple of years ago, he had a car dealership, his handle was hollywood as he wore mirrior shades pretty much all the time and all his cars were cherries as he would call them. nice guy actually but smooth as glass he was, could sell anything
RUST FREE!!! no charge for the rust. Went and looked at a "restorable" 57 Chevy sedan delivery only thing left was the roof. Seller says the make patch panels for the rest.
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The one add statement / description that I am always leary of,..and wonder if the seller is actually being a little Too Honest, ( in his own way ),...." WONT LAST LONG !! ",...One could take that a number of ways,...does he actually mean that the car won't last long advertised,..( now that he has advertised it ).....or,...that it is going to puke it's guts out all over the highway any time now, ?? Thats a scary one to try and decipher.
-- Edited by cheyenne on Monday 13th of January 2014 01:28:32 AM
I'm wondering about one of the newer descriptions ..." rotisserie restoration " ....for me it brings to ,mind a couple of guys sitting beside the Barbie while chicken is spinning around the rotisserie as the guys slap a couple of gallons of bondo an their project . Maybe , maybe not .
The one I never figured out was lost storage or no room in driveway/garage. WTf? Is it sitting in a tree now? Lost storage? How do you loose storage ?
Why would someone who is paying rent faithfully say please remove your HOTROD in the winter. ??? How do you loose storage in the winter? No room in garage or driveway???
You decided all of a sudden after years of ownership that your cherish car is no longer worth a parking spot?
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