Nice work Hemi,,,,good background music to... curious though, why such a stout frame under it...were you planning on putting a torque monster between the rails?
Nice work Hemi,,,,good background music to... curious though, why such a stout frame under it...were you planning on putting a torque monster between the rails?
Thanks !! Stout? It's not really. It may look that way because the factory frame is 8" high. I fully boxed it with 1/8 CRS mainly to smooth it out. It is very rigid though.
Did you use stick welding, that old dodge would need all the help it could get
Very nice build Dan, a man of many talents
Thanks Joe !! No sticks were harmed in the making of my chassis. It was all TIG welded.
TIG welded the whole thing!!! No wonder it took that long.
Welding does take longer, but there's no cleanup afterwards. If you're not trying to get that perfect looking bead, TIG welding is actually quite fast. Another bonus when using the TIG, is there's less shrinking of the bead as compared to MIG, so there's less warping. I'm just self taught, and definitely don't call myself a welder, and would love to be shown those "secret" tricks real welders learn over the years.
i see you lengthened the front doors but did you also shorten the body and frame or is it still stock length over all?
The car is 8 inches shorter than original. It would have looked "Goofy" if I hadn't. The hood sides were lengthened 2 inches mostly so the engine wouldn't be cramped. I wanted it to look more or less like a factory 2-door sedan, which was never made.