I keep seeing adverts for cars with more and more "safety features"
The latest being some sort of sensor that brakes for you when it detects children running out in front of you.
Is that not what eyes and brain are for???
So what happens when these people drive someone elses car without all these dumb dumb safety features? do they just mow everyone down and blame the car?
The "auto parking" was introduced back when I was still selling Ford , in the '10 model SUV ...it's an eerie experience and I would never use it . I was taught how to parallel park in driver's ed. back in '63 and the instructor,s method worked like a charm ...still does . We continue to make wusses out of people .....as for " the car that drives itself " , who's to blame if something goes wrong ??? driver ? car company ? Lawyers are rubbing their hands together as we speak !
Just a bunch of more electronic crap for the "Brain Deads" to "Awe" over.
I'm with you. Technically these automated systems can detect and act faster than people, but dammit... I expect people to actually DRIVE their cars, and *KNOW* how to do so.
heard a commercial in Calgary for Acura, where the wife is bitching the husband out for not paying attention while driving, and he basically says that with all the lane assist, auto cruise, blah blah blah, he barely has to drive the car.
There was some talk on news that the Ont. Gov. was going to "fund" studies [here we go again on wasted $$$] on "Self driving cars"!!!! 4 US States are "looking into this & doing studies" so I guess some BRAIN DEAD Lib. MPP thought we should get on the bandwagon & "Blow" some more cash b-4 the election gets called & their "friends" in research will get "another" contract
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
Dave Scott wrote:So what happens when these people drive someone elses car without all these "dumb dumb " safety features? do they just mow everyone down and blame the car?
Probably Dave ....folks need time to text in their cars y'know ....all that really important info 24/7 , like " I just had a large double-double at Timmy's " , or " I just finished scratching my balls " ........stuff that a good lawyer would deem necessary , therefore the car is at fault if there is an accident ! So all these "dumb-dumb " features will be "gotta haves " for a lot of drivers ...they really won't be driving much . It'll be like a phone app ...don't need to know anything , just push the button .