Ontario PCs call for Drive Clean program to be scrapped Liberals plan to keep Drive Clean running indefinitely with support of NDP
ST. CATHARINES – Only the Ontario PC Party would put a stop to the Liberals’ plan to keep the province’s temporary Drive Clean program running indefinitely, PC Environment Critic and Kitchener-Conestoga MPP Michael Harris said today.
“Andrea Horwath and the NDP have offered the Liberals their unconditional support to continue Drive Clean for as long as possible even though 95% of vehicles pass emissions-testing,” Harris said. “Forcing Ontario drivers to waste their time and hard-earned cash to pay for an unnecessary Drive Clean test proves the Liberals’ concern isn’t about the environment – it’s just about the money.”
Harris made his comments today at Subaru of Niagara where he and St. Catharines PC Candidate Mat Siscoe met with the Trillium Automobile Dealers Association (TADA) to discuss the effects that needless Drive Clean testing has had on drivers and dealerships across the province.
“A Drive Clean test is mandatory not only for drivers to keep their car on the road, but also for auto dealers selling used vehicles – even if the vehicle is essentially brand new and still under the manufacturer’s warranty,” said Frank Notte, spokesperson for TADA. “This piece of red tape wastes time and money for dealers and consumers since we know virtually every car on the road will pass a Drive Clean test. Too many times, this test requirement bogs down vehicle sales and delays the delivery of a newly purchased car to the consumer.”
“The fact that virtually all vehicles made within the last 15 years are passing the Drive Clean test proves that this temporary program has fulfilled its mandate and should be phased out just like B.C.’s emissions-testing program,” Siscoe said. “Unfortunately, Jim Bradley remains more focused on using this needless government cash-grab to prop up his government's failed agenda than supporting business owners and taxpayers in St. Catharines. Our city deserves better than this.”
Nearly 14,000 Ontario drivers have voiced their opposition to the province’s emissions-testing program by signing the Ontario PCs’ online petition at ScrapDriveClean.ca
The current testing contract with Envirotest Canada to provide light-duty vehicle emissions testing in this region runs until December 31, 2014. The Province has announced that light-duty vehicles will no longer require emissions testing after this date.
The Liberals will be back as the ONTARIO LIBERALS are supported by most union voters and most people on the social system. The Liberals know how to buy votes and most Ontario voters can be bought.
///// Join THE LOSERS c.c. of Ontario Ask me how/////
Even if the Liberals are defeated in the next election , which party is an alternative? I don,t think there are any viable alternatives.
If an election were held and absolutely no one voted, would all the politicians be out of work ? Do you think they would get the message that they work for everybody and not just the big money voters and businesses?
Even if the Liberals are defeated in the next election , which party is an alternative? I don,t think there are any viable alternatives. If an election were held and absolutely no one voted, would all the politicians be out of work ? Do you think they would get the message that they work for everybody and not just the big money voters and businesses?
Everyone that whines and whines and grumbles and whilst sitting comfy at their computer are usualy the same ones who for some reason can't seem to get away from their i-pad or their computer long enough to get off their lazy azz and go vote...If your a Liberal VOTE for the idiots ...But don't whine..Usualy the ones with excuses about none of them are any good or even it they are defeated who is an alternative, are either Liberals or just to lazy to vote so they just whine and whine..They just don't get it !!!!your either with them LIBERALS or your part of the problem .
Some of you should take a drive up in around Goderich Ont or Parkhill, GrandBend and see the complete destruction of the countryside with hundreds or windturbines going up all over and I do mean hundreds..what a ****ing mess of our province those azzholes are making ..But as long as TORONTO gets what it wants to satisfy every other ethnic group EXCEPT Ontarions who live here BUT just can't seem to muster the balls to go VOTE..We get the government we deserve..Just because your really NOT interesed in what the government does Does not mean the Government (LIBERALS ) are not interested in you and your money to continue to feed the Eletists from Toronto ...
These wind turbines just5 make me puke when I see the complete destruction of this part of Ontario..we need to repeal thar green energy act and it could done by the people ..but we are such a fat lazy, whiny, content, happy, wealthy ,That we just don't get it..
We Ontario are 275 Billion in Debt..How does it ever get paid down Our Kids and their Kids will be paying taxes and energy costs forever because they will taxed to the max to feed the Liberals..
I would rather suport Rob Ford for Premier of Ont..Rob has a few flaws..Guess what so do I ...But I beleive He would be a fighter for the people..yeah!!!!! lets start a grass roots movement to support Rob Ford For Premier...!!!!
-- Edited by fatchuk on Friday 18th of April 2014 10:33:02 AM
Rob Ford for premier. I,ll second that.
I also agree with you about Toronto. Thats where all the votes are and they,re always whining for more money from the taxpayers, and they get it and the rest of Ontario takes it up the A-- again.
I would say it's our duty..lest we forget..!!!!!!!! we need to save our children and their children from poverty and overwhelming debt..by the liberals..
The problem everyware is not the elected officials . The problem is the unelected ones who really run things. They makeup all the laws,government policies and impliment them. These unelected ones generally make more money and carry more power than any MP,MPP,or even the priemere of the province.On all levels of government these unelected ones make bilaws that effect us locally and upwards.The time has come to stop voting foe parties and start voting for individuals.Ask questions and see what the local candidates have to say about issues that are important to you.Pick the one that appeals to you if its a Lib,Green,Independant,Conservitive,or Rino. We need a complete cleanout of whole system. We need to impliment some kind of proportional election system. I hope everyone votes,but vote smart,ask questions,find out where they all stand,who will stand up for you and against the party if necessary, then vote for the individual not the party . Ed
Once they get rid of drive clean, we'll be forced to certify our damn cars every year which will be worse. Ya can't win in this crappy province and the only way around it is to move.
Once they get rid of drive clean, we'll be forced to certify our damn cars every year which will be worse. Ya can't win in this crappy province and the only way around it is to move.
Dan, your right, friend of mine was watching the QueensPark TV & said the Fibs brought that up in the house that they were planning on annual safety's [on top of emm. tests] to boost revenue for transit but it's NOT A TAX!!! Never heard this on the news [ YET] may wait till after election to drop that shoe!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
Once they get rid of drive clean, we'll be forced to certify our damn cars every year which will be worse. Ya can't win in this crappy province and the only way around it is to move.
Exactly Lets fix them Lets all move together they will miss us
-- Edited by 427CARL on Friday 18th of April 2014 06:02:01 PM
Once they get rid of drive clean, we'll be forced to certify our damn cars every year which will be worse. Ya can't win in this crappy province and the only way around it is to move.
Exactly Lets fix them Lets all move together they will miss us
-- Edited by 427CARL on Friday 18th of April 2014 06:02:01 PM
If I didn't have so many anchors holding me down here I would !! Actually, I'd get right out of Canada and go to the US. I'm sick and tired of having to pay such a premium on everything to be Canadian.
Why don't you just fu--ing go .I bin reading you guys pissin on this country for 2yrs now . Just go, all you do is whine.Just move down to that cespool of a screwed up country that you seem to love so much.This over some cheap parts and other stuff. This of course after all the benifets of raising your families here stuff like safer cities than most down there ,comparitily safer schools,higher wages(partialy causing the higher costs)healthcare that doesn't bankrupt peopleand worring that every nut bar that you accidently cut off is armed. Maybe you think your grand kids would be better of in some safe gated community. So move and STFU about it. I am sick of hearing how wonderful everything is south of the boarder. There is more to life than cars, there is life style.Things need fixing here I have had a relitivly good life here no one in my family has been shot, I haven't been beaten for a traffick violation. There is a safety net that has kicked in to help family members when they have needed it. Politicaly changes are needed but it seems the country is changing faster than the parties. How bad can it be as we have two families on this small forum that have chosen to come here to make a life for themselves. If you don't like the way things are going here get up off your ass and go to a meeting join a group trying to change whatever is your issue. Whining about it on a hotrod site won't help hydro costs. So if you feel things are beter there just go ,I won't miss you . Ed
I'm not pissing on the Country, I'm pissing on how it's run !! This has nothing to do with cars, this is all about being pushed into a corner. You as a business owner should be the first one to be pissed. We are so overloaded with red tape, it's no wonder businesses are closing right left and center. The US has it's fair share of problems too, but the people are not as controlled as us Canadians. I'm also sick and tired of people claiming how great our health care is. Only people that have never needed the health care say this. God forbid if you ever get a serious medical problem, Ed !! Your tune will change when you have to wait 16 months to see a f-king specialist !!
Good post Ed. Things always look greener on the other side.
Yup, move to the US and get a permit to carry, a great way to raise the kids, with the old man carrying a handgun.
re: Healthcare, i have had two close relatives with terminal illnesses, their care was nothing but superb.
I hear you Dan ,My issue is with people saying that they are going to move because of this that or something else. Have you lived in that country ,how controlled are they. A lot of American group are fed up with government interference in there lives. There economy is a desaster they may never recover from .They blame everything on Obama,maybe but Bush left a mess for him to clean up .At least most Canadians are holding on to there houses. The big US cities have thousands of default houses and business entire big and small cities are unabble to make there bills,(infra structure,pensons,public sector wages).Is it perfict here ,of course not,are there people who have legitimate beafs absoutely,the treatment of our vetts is one example.I happen to think the good far out waighs the bad. Those that disagree have a choice,I would suggest they use it. Ed
Just a little something that was posted on one of my other forums from a person in the US....shows they have much the same feelings about government as we do
BTW, I have visited the US quite a bit......nice to visit in winter, but you couldnt make me move there
I think she is pissed!
[I don't think 'pissed' really covers it...]
Alan Simpson, the Senator from Wyoming calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security " to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. Here's a response in a letter from PATTY MYERS in Montana ... I think she is a little ticked off! She also tells it like it is!
"Hey Alan, let's get a few things straight!!!
1. As a career politician, you have been on the public dole (tit) for FIFTY YEARS.
2. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old. I am now 63).
3. My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.
4. Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and "your ilk" pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age, 67. NOW, you and your "shill commission" are proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN.
5. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now "you morons" propose to change the rules of the game. Why? Because "you idiots" mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal our money from Medicare to pay the bills.
6. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why? Because you "incompetent bastards" spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt. To add insult to injury, you label us "greedy" for calling "bull****" to your incompetence.
Well, Captain Bull****, I have a few questions for YOU:
1. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?
2. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers?
3. How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?
4. What cuts in YOUR retirement and healthcare benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies? It is you, Captain Bull****, and your political co-conspirators called Congress who are the "greedy" ones. It is you and your fellow nutcase thieves who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers.And for what? Votes and your job and retirement security at our expense, you lunk-headed, leech. That's right, sir. You and yours have bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your pathetic, political careers. You know it, we know it, and you know that we know it.
And you can take that to the bank, you miserable son of a bitch.
P.S. And stop calling Social Security benefits "entitlements". WHAT AN INSULT!!!! I have been paying in to the SS system for 45 years It's my money-give it back to me the way the system was designed and stop patting yourself on the back like you are being generous by doling out these monthly checks .
EVERYONE!! If you agree with what a Montana citizen, Patty Myers, says, please PASS IT ON!!!!"
Hold on a second, it was the PC's under Harris with Hudak as a cabinet minister that introduced this bull**** test in the first place.
You need to give your head a shake if:
1) you think they'll actually do it. They'll come up with some sorry ass excuse for why they have to keep it in place and blame the previous party OR they'll replace the lost revenue with a new tax or service fee etc..
2) if you vote for one party vs the next based on their latest promises.
Look at any party's previous record(s) and that will tell you where their priorities lie.
They're ALL equally a bunch of crooks that couldn't survive in the private sector so they lie, cheat and steal to get voted into office. Then they can play with all their degenerate couterparts.
Not all areas of Ontario require emission testing. I live in Bruce county (think Sauble Beach)...no emission testing !
Want to pick on another blatant money grab..? How about that idiotic $100 'air conditioner tax' on new cars (it's one short line in the fine print.)
Everyone that whines and whines and grumbles and whilst sitting comfy at their computer are usualy the same ones who for some reason can't seem to get away from their i-pad or their computer long enough to get off their lazy azz and go vote..
How about protests? I've been to my share. I agree with you
It isn't just about voting, its writing our politicians, and getting in their face when things aren't our way.
Unfortunately it seems as far as organized protests go, we're a bunch of pussies in Canada and are too scared to go out and make our voices heard. Well some of us!
Agreed..my letter to the PC's this morning...I do this at least twice a week..and more..we have to hold them accountable ..Whining will do squat..
Listen you guys for crying out loud ..We should win this election hands down so lets not get our foot in our mouth..Tim needs to keep hammering on Mcwynne about the scandals ,the cost of hydro, and stay on her everyday ..he needs to be careful what he says about cutting jobs or make he gets his whole talking point in the sound bites..You guys should also watch a Sun news everyday to see the talking heads and what they say ..They are pretty much in touch with the people I talk to..Everybody hates Mcwynne..but they are not impressed with Hudak either ..So lets face it Hudak is not going to win because of his charming personality when he speaks in public..He needs to stay on message..He also needs to lossen up on his Bay street look and wear some more casual clothes and keep the bay street look for official debates or special occasions ..He is not connecting well and we have a long way to go..I have a lot of contacts and friends in the Niagara riding and he is not liked in that area ..Most people I know or see the online chatter are STILL UNDECIDED if they are going to vote for Hudak..so he needs to sort that out and try to give them something he needs every single vote if we are to win this ..He needs to SAY WHAT HE MEANS AND GET RIGHT..AND HE NEEDS TO MEAN WHAT HE SAYS..He needs tp speak directly to just what his plan is shut down the God-damn Wind turbines in Southern Ont..No crap..He needs to very clear about that issue there are a lot of people who do know just where the PC government stands on that issue..no spin doctors..we need the straight truth..E-testing..is just bull-**** and it needs to go …It has harrased and the people who least afford it..the poor working class..Who in hell thinks they drive old cars because they want to..They are struggling and it’s the only wheels they can afford with the cost of gas and insurance you dumb sunabitches..I am watching and I know a lot of people are still on the fence ..becasue we do not trust any of you..your all a bunch fo bull****ters and liars because you do not have the balls to be straight up..your so busy putting a spin on everything…WE ARE SICK OF LYING BULL****TING POLITICIANS..GET IT..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So lets grow some balls and SERVE THE PEOPLE LIKE WE EXPECT YOU DO..THAT IS THE REASON WE VOTE YOU AZZHOLES IN TO OFFICE NOT FOR PERSONAL GAIN AND FAT PENSIONS…BUT TO SERVE THE PEOPLE OF ONTARIO..
If I have to pay 35 bucks every 2 years to test my easy pass vehicle, then leave well enough alone. Maybe they can work on the price of hydro and propane that keeps my family happy.
Agreed..my letter to the PC's this morning...I do this at least twice a week..and more..we have to hold them accountable ..Whining will do squat..
Listen you guys for crying out loud ..We should win this election hands down so lets not get our foot in our mouth..Tim needs to keep hammering on Mcwynne about the scandals ,the cost of hydro, and stay on her everyday ..he needs to be careful what he says about cutting jobs or make he gets his whole talking point in the sound bites..You guys should also watch a Sun news everyday to see the talking heads and what they say ..They are pretty much in touch with the people I talk to..Everybody hates Mcwynne..but they are not impressed with Hudak either ..So lets face it Hudak is not going to win because of his charming personality when he speaks in public..He needs to stay on message..He also needs to lossen up on his Bay street look and wear some more casual clothes and keep the bay street look for official debates or special occasions ..He is not connecting well and we have a long way to go..I have a lot of contacts and friends in the Niagara riding and he is not liked in that area ..Most people I know or see the online chatter are STILL UNDECIDED if they are going to vote for Hudak..so he needs to sort that out and try to give them something he needs every single vote if we are to win this ..He needs to SAY WHAT HE MEANS AND GET RIGHT..AND HE NEEDS TO MEAN WHAT HE SAYS..He needs tp speak directly to just what his plan is shut down the God-damn Wind turbines in Southern Ont..No crap..He needs to very clear about that issue there are a lot of people who do know just where the PC government stands on that issue..no spin doctors..we need the straight truth..E-testing..is just bull-**** and it needs to go …It has harrased and the people who least afford it..the poor working class..Who in hell thinks they drive old cars because they want to..They are struggling and it’s the only wheels they can afford with the cost of gas and insurance you dumb sunabitches..I am watching and I know a lot of people are still on the fence ..becasue we do not trust any of you..your all a bunch fo bull****ters and liars because you do not have the balls to be straight up..your so busy putting a spin on everything…WE ARE SICK OF LYING BULL****TING POLITICIANS..GET IT..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So lets grow some balls and SERVE THE PEOPLE LIKE WE EXPECT YOU DO..THAT IS THE REASON WE VOTE YOU AZZHOLES IN TO OFFICE NOT FOR PERSONAL GAIN AND FAT PENSIONS…BUT TO SERVE THE PEOPLE OF ONTARIO..
Love it you are correct I am working everyday in the middle of the Goshen Wind Farm The reality sinks in when these Monsters start to stand up Totally ruins the whole landscape AND the word is out ALL towers must be up in the air WHEN? before the Election
Want to know the real reason we're seeing so many of these damn windmills and why are hydro rates are going up so much?
Something to think about as you vote in this next Ontario election .
As posted on facebook by Doug Leitch, organizer of CP protest rally April 4, 2014! > > > > Doug Leitch > > 19 hrs· Ottawa > > So I was talking to someone about who owns the Almonte Solar farm between Carleton Place and Almonte.
·So I googled it and found out, it and a significant number of other solar farms in the region are owned by subsidiaries of International Power Canada.
·So I googled International Power Canada in Markham, and found out the President is or was Mike Crawley.
·So who is Mike Crawley?
·He was elected President of the Liberal Party of Canada for a two year term in January 2012 and before that had been the president of the Ontario wing of the Federal Liberal Party.
·International Power Canada owns a significant number of solar farms in Ontario, who received subsidies and contracts under the Ontario FIT Green Energy program and are guaranteed a 14% return on their initial investment the 20 agreement to supply solar energy.
·Subsidies and Returns on Investments that are paid for by the Ontario Hydro ratepayers on our monthly bills.....Liberals making Liberals richer at the expense Ontario ratepayers!
·Green energy subsidies and initiatives that Bob Chiarelli and Kathleen Wynn so easily hand out are tacked onto our hydro rates and charges, we pay for them monthly in addition to all the tax we pay off our hard earned paychecks and with the HST they charge to everything we do and buy.
My wife wants me to see things from a woman's point of view, so now I spend a lot of time looking out the kitchen window
Yes I just wanted to point out that Vancouver started in 91 and found there is no use in the program anymore but our government has ignored that fact and want to keep it going just for their tax revenue.
Folks, Now that the Fiberals have a majority, how long do you think it will be before drive-clean spreads to all regions of Ontario? I can't believe they won't resist the new watered down testing standard (checking for codes) for everyone in the province. Imagine the extra cash they can extract doing that, and also imagine the loss of income for everyone else when they take a day, or part of a day off work to get their cars in for testing. But the Fibs can't think far enough ahead to see they would actually lose tax revenue with that scheme! To compensate, they might make the testing frequency once a year, and then with even greater tax shortfalls, they might make it every day until you can't ever be at work and have no income. I wonder how they will support the Ontario Pension Plan (tax grab) that way? Of course, I exaggerate a little, but I don't trust the stupid you-know-whats. Fred Winterburn, Ripley Ontario