There are many more then that post interesting/educational posts here. Pictures of events, build threads, tech help.....and on and on. They all have something to offer. That's what makes this so fun and interesting.
There are many more then that post interesting/educational posts here. Pictures of events, build threads, tech help.....and on and on. They all have something to offer. That's what makes this so fun and interesting.
Yeah, it didn't sound right. What I meant was 30-40 members post daily or every couple days, while some may only post every few weeks or even months
I think the problem here is we have been far too nice and no one has left in a huff. what was the address again for that sissy site.
Those that leave in a huff are called "boomarang members" - they get all pissy, leave and come back under a different user name. ...and I'm OK with that/ what ever.
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
The site is fine the way it is.Poncho does a great job.Some forget the for sale rule but thats about the only glitch I see. Very enjoyable reads no matter whats going on . Leave the lurkers alone maybe they will learn from the "experts" and start a project of there own. Ed
It's a lousy job trying to moderate a 1000 members and a 1000 personality's.. with manopause , moods , and differences.. But all in all Harry it's a good board and I am glad to have it no matter the odd little peeing contest .. I have learned to just roll with the moods and disagreements and know it alls..Everything we say and do in this type of communication is not real..
I know sometimes I have formed an opinion of somebody just because of some posts and low and behold I meet that individual only to find that they are totally different than what I perceived them to be, by what I thought they said on some posts..I too am sure others have judged me by some remark I have made..I do not take much serious from a forum..It's all in fun although the person on the butt end of some fun may not see it that way..But I get it...
Those who whine to Harry don't seem to get it and I doubt what board or furum they go to they will have difficulty if they can't accept it what it is..I just say grow some and if the flames are hot then put on a fire suit or in other words just move the next thread and resist the urge to add fuel to fire.. a post is like a 24 news cycle tomorrow it will be gone ..I believe every single forum board has good and irritating members, but the board it's self will eventually weed them out ..mostly people should rather than just fighting or poking little jabs into a thread skip it, just don't get involved in it..but it's like rubber knecking when we pass an accident on the highway ..we just can't resit and first thing you know somebody else is in it and then his friend an on and on it goes..Personally I like a little blood sport It can't just be about cars all the time we don't just talk about cars every day in our life..Life has many other components in our daily life..
Harry it's a great board and a thankless job moderating.. I think your doing a heck of a job moderating it..Yes some guys may be a bit aggressive but I am fine with that ..others just need to get over it..I see posters that I never respond to for one reason or another but that's my issue and I would sure never run to the teacher to tattle that they were mean to bad grow up... I agree though that, too many times we can be a little harsh on a newby, but I also think some are way to thin skinned or make silly I'm outa here That's not what I joined for..Well tough if you can't take the heat maybe you should leave..or you you could choose to just enjoy the and appreciate those who provide you with the friendship, information and sharing that you did join for ..there are enough posters on here that everybody should be able find what they want or friends that they can share and enjoy being a member on here with..and ignore the others that's easy if you just do it and quit worrying what the others are doing..
Your doing a great job on a great ONTARIO board Harry..Thanks I appreciate this board a great deal ..and I appreciate the posters and members good and controversial both are interesting and stimulating even if I don't agree with all of them..That's the way I view the board ..It's a great board quit the bitching and get out and vote and leave the bitching and whining to the government..
I hope nobody thought I was knocking the site or the job Poncho is doing - quite the opposite actually! It's just that I remember getting told that he'd like to keep it under 1000 and there are likely a few hundred that only signed in once....years ago.....and forgot their user name or password, never to sign on again. Ship 'em out and make room for a few "active" noobs!!!
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
I have only been here for a short time. being retired I have the time to check it out at least 2or 3 times a day.I know I for one would miss it if something were to cause it to cease.when I read or meet someone I dont agree with I stop and think I lived for 68 years without meeting them.if I never meet or read from them again I will live a while longer by not stressing out.other than regretting the time I wasted listening or reading I think well thats a few minutes of my life I wasted and move on.I cant bitch and cry I made the choice to listen or read or walk others have said you have at times a thankless job but 99% of us do appreciate the job you is life I dont aim to please all never have never will thats me.I like to compare forums to a marriage the sex is great mostly till the toilet backs will never please everyone so dont try as you will end up hating or fearing to get up in the morning for fear of what awaits you in your inbox.where the hell are my meds and pacifier?
Noticed tonight the membership odometer just rolled over 1000.
-- Edited by oldkoot on Sunday 1st of June 2014 09:31:03 PM
That's pretty awesome.
This site rocks. Before posting one of my many newbie dummy questions yesterday I quickly googled. Was looking for a ceramic coating shop in Ontario. Hah. Google pointed me to a post here from 2012.