God !!!! you had to post this eh!!!! I vote none could be considered hot-rods..Special interest cars... borderline maybe.. Having said that and voted ..
shush. .My wife has a PT cruiser Convertible..with wide whites,steelies and baby moons, dual exhaust, and some graphics..not pornographics..But it is not a hot-rod ..She calls it a wanna-bee..girly rod...It's cheap, top comes down.. and we all know a happy wife turns into a warm bed..
But none of the above could be considered a rod by any stretch
You could probably put the HHR ,the prowler, the Pt Cruiser , in the senior citizens wana-be toys the rest are just factory re-pops kinda like sequels to what was once a great car till they got repopped and devalued .. Sorta like the sequel to a good movie ..the sequel is never as good..never liked seconds..
Glenn I have to agree with you guys.mustang is the only one that looks anywhere near.time to name a new class of cars at shows,cruises etc Notrods want to be never will be.I am not saying stang is a rod just a very good execution of the original design the rest are in my eyes the result of releasing a bunch of designers? loose with a box of pencils and feeding them pizza laced with mushrooms the magic type and a drink using lsd to wash it down
-- Edited by 54vicky on Tuesday 24th of June 2014 04:31:14 PM
Considering HotRodding probably started before you were born or old enough to drive and Peterson was an iconic figure in the industry from before I was twinkle in my dads eye. I will say HotRods are anythng performance and or appearance related. I don't think your opinion counts when someone else is building a car and wants to call it a HotRod, To each their own...
to me a hot rod isn't full of electronic gizmo's and computers and getting a "tune" doesn't involve software and a laptop. but that's just me - i prefer old school.
don't walk in like you own the place..........walk in like you hold the mortgage.
It all depends on your point of view. To some people they are, some not so much. Just as in anything else, hot rodding evolves or in some cases degrades.
Its like back in the good old muscle car days...I had my 70 Chevelle SS454. A friend had a 66 Chevy Impala 4 dr hardtop with a 283. He had the arse end lifted, a Sun tach, chrome wheels etc, etc...Which of them was a hot rod?.....Depended on which one of us you asked
to me a hot rod isn't full of electronic gizmo's and computers and getting a "tune" doesn't involve software and a laptop. but that's just me - i prefer old school.
what is a HHR , mustang challenger camaro they were not call hot rods years ago why would they be now , i ll take anyone of them if i had the money to buy one , 30 s cars modified is about the only thing in my books that i call hot rod
I had my 70 Chevelle SS454. A friend had a 66 Chevy Impala 4 dr hardtop with a 283. He had the arse end lifted, a Sun tach, chrome wheels etc, etc...Which of them was a hot rod?.....Depended on which one of us you asked
not always good to disagree with the boss..but I don't see hot-rod in either of them..So does that mean I have to sleep on the couchterfield or do I just go and ban myself..
Thank goodness...phew !! it has no resemblance to a yugly prowler..unless you look at the suspension ..it might pass on a really dark night if the gate -keeper is blind in one eye..
Thank goodness...phew !! it has no resemblance to a yugly prowler..unless you look at the suspension ..it might pass on a really dark night if the gate -keeper is blind in one eye..
I can appreciate anything somebody has put a lot of there blood and sweat into. Would I drive anything mentioned above given the chance? Yep
Would I drive a prowler if I had the chance, hell ya. Is it a hot rod....don't know, don't care. Never drove one but I bet they are a blast and they look good.
Would I drive Glenns creation... you guessed it. Hell yes I would. Ya gotta know that would be a crazy fun ride.
If you enjoy it while your doing it.....doesn't really matter to me what others think. Like Chuck said, his wife loves her PT and they have fun.
I'm not prejudiced against any decent looking/running iron. I can appreciate them all.
The cars your complaining about might be the "hot rods" of tomorrow.....
But you guys do you.... and I'll do me. Its all good.
Went to the Gravenhurst car show a week ago and a 2014 Camaro Panther convertible won best in show. I got Best Hot Rod, and second for Best in Show. I guess i know where they stand.
Just because you can doesn't necessarily mean you should!
You mentioned you went to the show but why the hell did ya leave your ride at home
If they had of saw it in person your surely would have one best in show Sherwood!!!
Again, if anyone cant appreciate the work that went into building Buckshot.... even if its not their taste (Which means they have no taste) they are missing what its all about IMO
-- Edited by janies dirty 37 on Tuesday 24th of June 2014 07:21:08 PM
Interesting topic with various views but I say no they aren't hotrods. Hard to nail down a decade or decades without insulting someone , but I think its 30s-50s cars. I have a 70s car and wouldn't consider saying its a hot rod or put a sticker on it saying it. Different classifications. Street machines /muscle cars / low riders etc. Lots of styles and talent ,like them all especially done with taste and quality.
-- Edited by Torquewar on Tuesday 24th of June 2014 07:26:44 PM
gotta be young and dumb before you get old and wise
Me and my brother had a 70s pinto . It was a no door ,did not open , lowered because the shock towers were blown out and you had to push start it but it wasn't a hot rod because the gas tank never exploded. the teachers at school did refer to it as hills opium den ... if that counts .. To us it was better than a fat girl with no morals as long as you like it who cares.
A hot rod; pre '49 with a modified engine, transmission, rear end etc. Could have modified frame and suspension and after market pieces like headers, multiple carbs, blower, wheels, bumpers, paint etc.
After that it becomes a muscle car, pony car, modified street, modern muscle or one of those things that you alluded to.
I was just wondering where the question came from. Do people actually call these modern throw back cars hot rods?
Glenn, you know what a hot rod is, I know what a hot rod is and I'm sure most on here know. There is a difference between building a hot rod in the traditional sense and rodding or modifying your post '49 special interest car or truck.
these are hot rods…. v8, dual exhaust, no fenders (well only one set), 3 pedals, by definition It don't get much better.
And Gazoo, that's a STREET rod
-- Edited by Rochie on Tuesday 24th of June 2014 07:11:08 PM
I had to Google search the definition of "Hot Rod", considering most of us probably have a bit of a variance as to what they consider what is one and what isn't.
This is what I found in Urban Dictionary ;
"When Tabasco sauce is applied to the p#*!s before oral sex.
Dude, Mandy grabbed some Tabasco last night and gave me a hot rod, while we listened to Prince!"
Times surely have changed.
-- Edited by Gazoo on Tuesday 24th of June 2014 07:56:47 PM
Let's send these totally definitive poll results to Hot Rod magazine. I'm sure they will be happy to finally get an expert decision on this so they can guide their editorial staff.
non of those are hot rods, some are middle aged over the hill people magnets, some are cars for people who cant let go of the eighties. crashing thru the chrome section at Canadian tire doesn't count either
A hot rod; pre '49 with a modified engine, transmission, rear end etc. Could have modified frame and suspension and after market pieces like headers, multiple carbs, blower, wheels, bumpers, paint etc.
After that it becomes a muscle car, pony car, modified street, modern muscle or one of those things that you alluded to.
I was just wondering where the question came from. Do people actually call these modern throw back cars hot rods?
Glenn, you know what a hot rod is, I know what a hot rod is and I'm sure most on here know. There is a difference between building a hot rod in the traditional sense and rodding or modifying your post '49 special interest car or truck.
But.......to each his own. Just enjoy the drive.
Warren has given a text book explanation and clearly spelled it out so why continue the piss**g contest
Janice say she likes anything with blood sweat and tears went into .......
Well i will bet Dan has a toilet with all the above!
Would you drive that?
Chuk calls them senior citizen wanna be s. Now that's funny. True. And funny
Others say either you get it or you dont. I dont
Definately not hot rods. As the poll shows
I'm not ashamed to say.... if I was drunk, it was late/dark and it was an emergency, fired up and I could steer it braking would be optional...... yes I would probably give er a go Glenn.
Knowing Dan, he has probably built one with these options.Or Maybe I'd drive my foot up his arse while he was sitting on it?? lmao
Just kinda surprised the question was raised to begin with? These days my life just isn't so black and white I guess..... mostly varying shades of grey.
But I have been staining a table /benches grey for the last 2 days.... maybe I need a break.....
I gota go with the pre48 crowd as the true ideal of hotrods.49and later to me are customs or street machines. Anything after 73 are parts cars. Sorry guys thats my opinion. The kids have very different ideas of what is cool and I completely respect that and very much enjoy there builds and ideas. But the question I belive was, what is a hotrod and for me and probably some other older rodders this is the way it was,is ,and probably always will be. Ed
these are hot rods…. v8, dual exhaust, no fenders (well only one set), 3 pedals, by definition It don't get much better.
And Gazoo, that's a STREET rod
-- Edited by Rochie on Tuesday 24th of June 2014 07:11:08 PM
I had to Google search the definition of "Hot Rod", considering most of us probably have a bit of a variance as to what they consider what is one and what isn't.
This is what I found in Urban Dictionary ;
"When Tabasco sauce is applied to the p#*!s before oral sex.
Dude, Mandy grabbed some Tabasco last night and gave me a hot rod, while we listened to Prince!"
Times surely have changed.
-- Edited by Gazoo on Tuesday 24th of June 2014 07:56:47 PM
In my opinion if you drove it off the lot it's not a hot rod.
Even a factory restored '60s muscle car I have trouble defining as a hot rod. A classic yes but I think a hot rod you need to add something to it, either in power or personality.
Woops! Sorry Dan, those are DQ'd because they don't have a V8.(I sure hope this site isn't going to turn into "The HAMB"!)
I can surely appriciate all types of build styles and even all makes, if done tastefully, but I do have my favorites. Muscle cars of the 60s and early 70s were factory hot rods in a sense, because they were taking a plain jane daily driver and making it something altogether different from the mainsteam. Shelby did it with "Teacher's Mustangs". Yenco, Baldwin and Nickey were all doing it too, and this was at yet another level from the factory upgrades.
You will never get to the bottom of this question - there are just too many answers. (just like using google to look up remedies for a medical condition - if you read long enough and find the one that you had in mind in the first place, you've found the cure/answer!!!)
Dan, those buggys look like they are a hoot! If you want to call them a Hot Rod? Why not! I think it's pretty rough to have a car with all the right parts and a certain look, but to disqualify it because it doesn't have three pedals or what ever your magic recipe might be.
To each his own! If someone is calling their car a hot rod and you don't agree? Too bad, I'll bet you he or she will continue to call as such, dispite the fact that you don't agree!
BTW, Glenn your truck isn't a Hot Rod because it's an automatic - sorry, that's the rules!!!
-- Edited by Fordy Acres Car Farm on Wednesday 25th of June 2014 01:12:20 AM
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
a car that anyone can walk into a dealer and buy i wouldn't call a "hot rod". i call my studebaker a hot rod but not my 76 vette, i just call it "the shark". after it gets the 406 transplant i'll call it the "hot" shark. hahahaha.
don't walk in like you own the place..........walk in like you hold the mortgage.