Doug, too bad it's "still on Thurs. that's the Uxbridge cruise night, may have to alternate but Uxb. usually hits 300 to 400 vehicles on avg. Just heard that the Port Perry "roar by the Shore " is on June & moving back to water St.. as store owners complaining they are losing too much business with main st. shut down>> BUT the Brit. Car show is OK on Main St. as "they" spend $$$$$ & are a 'different " class of people?????
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
port perry is too much of an m.o.e. target zone for my liking anyway pete.
Doug, you Chicken POOP come on live dangerously, like the rest of us over this way!!!! Every trip into Port in one of the Oldies is an adventure as to whether you'll get "hammered' or Not!!!!! Haven't seen the MOE or the MOT latterly but give it time, as soon as the cruise's start next week I expect "WHINNIES" henchmen to be about!!!! with their pens & paper out for $$$$$$$
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!