Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
That sounds about right. Motors publishes flat rate manuals. R&R a standard engine in a old style rear wheel drive car base rate is around 8 hours. PS AC etc etc add to the time so to go from 8 to 10 would almost happen right there. I was in that trade for most of my life and worked under that system. Hard way to make a living. You could never coast. Always working at fever pitch. By 50 to 55 you are an old man.
SR Dragster because old people need to have fun too!
I was in that trade for most of my life and worked under that system. Hard way to make a living. . By 50 to 55 you are an old man.
That is me too.
job is pull engine from donor, pull engine from Melnyk, install donor organ and possibly install old engine in donor car. I and guessing approx 20 hrs for all.???
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
That sounds about right. Motors publishes flat rate manuals. R&R a standard engine in a old style rear wheel drive car base rate is around 8 hours. PS AC etc etc add to the time so to go from 8 to 10 would almost happen right there. I was in that trade for most of my life and worked under that system. Hard way to make a living. You could never coast. Always working at fever pitch. By 50 to 55 you are an old man. don
The times seem about right for Motors flat rate times. I worked at GM dealership and could only hope for generous times like that. When I started in the 60s times were not that bad but it seemed as time went on every time the CAW got a new contract the flat rate times got cut. Flat rate is a hard way to make a living and your knees and hips take a real beating and yes, 50-55 you feel like an old man. You had to be either crazy or love the job to stick it out. I,m still trying to decide why I stayed for 40 years. My knees are telling me I was nuts, but I still love to get out and work on my Chevvy although its only for a couple hours at a time.
I worked at Ford, we were like Maytag guys, never any work.... nuthing every broke.
And yet they still find suckers "that love the job".
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !