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Post Info TOPIC: New AMP law ends opton to fight tickets.


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RE: New AMP law ends opton to fight tickets.

The LIBERALS get their name by the amount of liberal spending they do. Unfortunately their idea of proper spending differs immensely from the people who elected them. The leaders have a warped view of the way things should be to their thinking and , being the leader , the underlings had better follow, or else. LIBERAL is spend , spend, spend, and conservative is cut, cut, cut. The conservatives have to cut to offset the excess spending of the Liberals.



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I was able to get the local radio station to get this issue on the schedual for there talk jock for this week .He is very interested in rights issues. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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flatblack55delivery wrote:

I was able to get the local radio station to get this issue on the schedual for there talk jock for this week .He is very interested in rights issues. Ed

  That's a good thing. Maybe the more exposure this gets the more heat the Liberals will get. 



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This is a new setup that will allow you to fight your traffic ticket through an online court system. They want to change the way you fight your traffic tickets, instead of going to court (and we all know what a waste of time that is) you go online. You still have to right to defend yourself.



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Not for guilt or innocence only the amount of the fine is defendable, and then only if the appointed representative allows it. That is the way I read it anyway. I guess the other thing would be the persons ability to access a computer. Ed

-- Edited by flatblack55delivery on Friday 4th of December 2015 11:27:31 PM


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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No, you still have the option to go to trial, but through an online system. The problems that haven't been worked out yet are the presentation of evidence, etc. I don't think that this will be here anytime soon. There is too much they haven't worked out yet.



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I hear ya Bill, but the simple fact it is being trial ballooned by a government desperate for any new revenue they can find is omnious. As far as I can see they just want to clear the courts not to solve a backlog but to save money. I am not really comfortable having some government arbitrator decide if my case warrents a court date . That has been and should stay my decision. Under the proposed changes someone else decides if I get to go before a judge, based on his opinion. Ed


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Ed, send me a PM with a link for this. Not a hearsay newspaper thingy. I did too many years of Law, but can sometimes sort out the jargon ? Or not.



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I am 100% with you on this. The PM has been in office for what, a month now and how much of our money has he spent so far! And they claim they will balance the budget by 2018! I guess the budget will balance itself. Meanwhile you and I are going to be bled to death.



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Unfortunately I have no links other than the newspaper one. This is the provincial Liberal partys doings. The only other thing I do know for sure on this issue is when I presented my objections to Lou Rinaldi the MPP for my riding live on a local talk show he said it was part of a larger bill to clear the courts. I mentioned I fight everything, he said exactly and this was the problem so they were trying to clear that up. So basically I took from the conversation that the Libs thought the best way to clear up the backlog in our court system was to take away the right to fight on highway traffic infractions , rather than to hire more personal to hear the cases. What bothers me the most is what else might be lurking in this omnibus bill. I have heard of no further "public consoltations"of any kind since. The one other thing I have learned over the years is trial balloons never completely go away Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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The fact of the mater is they don't care if their right or wrong or if you live or die . As soon as you bring it to court they have lost money. 

the average wait time for a criminal case to go to trial is two years if they have you locked up and three if your not and growing. 

traffic court isn't going to change this . 

What a long strange trip its been


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looks like this AMP bill is no longer, saw on the news that the Ontario government is no longer considering this as viable, great news!


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lmfao.....gover n mental voters.

lesson in life to be learned an knowledge is required to prevail
copy an paste in you're browsers an learn how to stop the corruption.....

love peace an never war....

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Monday 2nd of May 2016 08:06:47 PM



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Maybe someone reminded them that we still have a constitution in Canada that also applies to Ontario. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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I think the government realized that this process wouldn’t survive a Charter challenge if implemented (not that such a thing means much to this bunch of crooks).



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ok, i just went through the current process of fighting a ticket last week in cobourg. it was a ticket for a log book issue sort of thing and at all times it was my option on whether to go ahead or not including the day about 2 months prior to court date when i had a meeting or pre/trial thing to see if we could settle prior. on court day standing in the court room prior to commencement we talked again and they offered another deal and i took it. very reduced price but no record on my c.v.o.r. which was the main reason i was there anyway. fleet insurance is partially set by your c.v.o.r. rating and mine is excellent and i intended to keep it that way. i could of said no again and faced the judge and tried to not pay any fine also but all i wanted was no record. there was a grey area on whether the cop, opp, was right or my driver's paper work was right. the 150.00 i paid from a 350.00 ticket is cheap but what effect could it have on a 17,000.00 fleet insurance policy could be a lot more than that for the next 3 or 4 years.


ok X2, if you don't vote you have nothing to say pretty much period. is the system fair or not fair, is it just or unjust. probably some of each but if we/you/me/us don't tell them starting at local level it won't get there either. my thinking is the big cities are dictating especially the g.t.a. and anyone outside of them is getting run over. how do we fix it--don't know. can we fix it--hope so. when will it be fixed--don't know but if the rest of us outside the big smokes don't at least try, nothing will change.

if your not the lead dog-the view is all the same

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shag .....dont have time at moment cover all you're posty an i'm not here to piss anyone off i've been through this stuff for 35 years.....
First you're wrong on the voting part big time...
Second you can't win in a traffic court. did you watch the video above....have you or are you familiar with appeal court..provincial level ...did you know that all motor vehicles meet federal safety standards...
Third on the fourth page of the cvor application it states that's its voluntary.[application in law means to beg an no body is obliged to beg]
Fourth the deal you took will show up on you're being chargeable will affect you're're liberities at some point...driving record/insurance.
Fifth the only way to make sure its off you're record is to appeal the conviction in a higher court ...wither or not you paid all or part of of it.

Rights an freedom's are guaranteed regardless of wither someone choices to vote or have a right to consent an you have a right not to consent..not the same as refused...don't go on about privileges vs rights....what ever is written against the constitution is of no force nor effect,,,period guaranteed....null an void.

please take the time to watch the above video if you have not...this stuff ain't rocket science there is a process to getting what needs to be done...Does take time they say time is money choices are choices we all have them to make....people make them for different the end if you're truely happy with the ones you make ...then thats ...excellent for you...just because it took less time....does not always make it right....again through ...happy is happy....carry on...

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Friday 6th of May 2016 07:45:56 AM

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Friday 6th of May 2016 07:47:06 AM



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Ground Pounder wrote:

shag .....dont have time at moment cover all you're posty an i'm not here to piss anyone off i've been through this stuff for 35 years.....
First you're wrong on the voting part big time...
Second you can't win in a traffic court. did you watch the video above....have you or are you familiar with appeal court..provincial level ...did you know that all motor vehicles meet federal safety standards...
Third on the fourth page of the cvor application it states that's its voluntary.[application in law means to beg an no body is obliged to beg]
Fourth the deal you took will show up on you're being chargeable will affect you're're liberities at some point...driving record/insurance.
Fifth the only way to make sure its off you're record is to appeal the conviction in a higher court ...wither or not you paid all or part of of it.

Rights an freedom's are guaranteed regardless of wither someone choices to vote or have a right to consent an you have a right not to consent..not the same as refused...don't go on about privileges vs rights....what ever is written against the constitution is of no force nor effect,,,period guaranteed....null an void.

please take the time to watch the above video if you have not...this stuff ain't rocket science there is a process to getting what needs to be done...Does take time they say time is money choices are choices we all have them to make....people make them for different the end if you're truely happy with the ones you make ...then thats ...excellent for you...just because it took less time....does not always make it right....again through ...happy is happy....carry on...

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Friday 6th of May 2016 07:45:56 AM

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Friday 6th of May 2016 07:47:06 AM

 i don't figure it's a p!ssing match bud. all i did was state what happened last week with the current system. when court started i was first up and the crown read out the offense and how we resolved it. the judge asked me if that was correct and do i agree with it all.  i said yes and have a nice day then went down the hall and paid my fine. if it shows up on my c.v.o.r. abstract then i  have another problem. i agree also that the incident will show somewhere as unresolved but not convicted. somewhat like what the insurance companies do if you even phone asking about an incident. it is recorded on your record and probably is shared within the industry.

and i agree everybody legally has rights and freedoms whether they vote or not. its a case of legally vs morally in my mind i guess. silly me, lol.

if your not the lead dog-the view is all the same

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Shag love you're response....Very laid back approach which is always welcome...great way to consider all that folk's have to offer...

With that in if anyone ever feels the need to have to do such..also keep pro se in mind look it up an read very helpful if someone lacks the funds to seek administration of justice.

Provincial/territorial courts of appeal

Each province and territory also has a court of appeal. These courts hear appeals from the decisions of the superior courts and the provincial/territorial courts. These can include commercial disputes, property disputes, negligence claims, family disputes, bankruptcies, and corporate reorganizations. Appeals are usually heard by a panel of three judges. The courts of appeal also hear constitutional questions that may be raised in appeals involving individuals, governments, or governmental agencies.

The Federal Court

The Federal Court is Canada’s national trial court. It hears and decides federal legal disputes whose subject matter has been assigned to the Court by Parliament.

These disputes include

claims against the Government of Canada;
civil suits between private parties in federally-regulated areas; and
reviews of the decisions of most federal tribunals.

The Federal Court’s jurisdiction includes

interprovincial and many federal-provincial disputes;
immigration and refugee matters;
intellectual property proceedings (e.g., copyright);
citizenship appeals;
Competition Act cases; and
cases involving Crown corporations or departments of the Government of Canada.

The federal courts have the power to review decisions, orders, and other administrative actions of most federal boards, commissions, and tribunals. That means most federal government decisions can be challenged in a federal court. With some exceptions, those bodies may refer questions of law, jurisdiction, or practice to one of the federal courts at any stage of a proceeding.

In some areas of law, such as maritime law, the Federal Court shares jurisdiction with the provincial superior courts. It also has concurrent jurisdiction with respect to civil claims against the federal government.

The Supreme Court of Canada

The Supreme Court of Canada is the final court of appeal from all other Canadian courts. It has jurisdiction over disputes in all areas of the law. These include constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law, and civil law. The Court does not hold trials, but hears appeals from all other Canadian appeal courts.

The Court consists of a Chief Justice and eight other justices. Members of the Court are appointed by the federal government as new vacancies occur. Three judges traditionally come from Ontario, two from Western Canada, and one from the Atlantic provinces. In addition, the Supreme Court Act requires that at least three judges must come from Quebec.

The Supreme Court sits in Ottawa for three sessions a year - winter, spring, and fall. Each year the Supreme Court considers an average of between 500 to 600 applications for leave to appeal and hears 65 to 80 appeals.

It's a Crap shoot at times for sure.....This statement ::
Each year the Supreme Court considers an average of between 500 to 600 applications for leave to appeal and hears 65 to 80 appeals.

kinda of an Abandonment of equality ..[equality is paramount in law an must never be Abandoned]..So what they are saying is from 500 to 600 filed cases...only 65 to 80 have enough merit to move forward...Well that's not quite equality is it...?
Seem alot of folk's get left to hang out to dry...?

Does not meet the Definition of a free an just society nor does it point to such being fair?? Huh Hmmmmmmmm....Lmao.

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Friday 6th of May 2016 12:45:19 PM


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Award wining video please be sure to watch....

Criminal code 15 an charter 15 comes into play here....

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Friday 6th of May 2016 02:09:16 PM



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sounds like the "Freedom of the Land" nonsense. Laws, Federal, Provincial and Municipal are there for a reason. If there were none all hell would break loose. You can't count on all of the people to police themselves. If you are concerned about getting tickets, etc then don't break the law. Now I'll admit that some laws are outdated and some need to be revised or abolished, however if you know the speed limit is 100 kph and you are over, how in your right mind can you say that you didn't deserve the ticket. Be careful watching that video, its not as black and white as its being portrayed. Bill


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willys392 wrote:

sounds like the "Freedom of the Land" nonsense. Laws, Federal, Provincial and Municipal are there for a reason. If there were none all hell would break loose. You can't count on all of the people to police themselves. If you are concerned about getting tickets, etc then don't break the law. Now I'll admit that some laws are outdated and some need to be revised or abolished, however if you know the speed limit is 100 kph and you are over, how in your right mind can you say that you didn't deserve the ticket. Be careful watching that video, its not as black and white as its being portrayed. Bill

 You're correct's not for everyone...

An just because the info is out there does not mean  anyone has the right to do 100 mph instead of using common sense ...In the wrong hands /wrong mind it can be dangerous info...

would hope we're all adults here an not children...

Actually knowing this info ,should make most more responsible .


As far as nonsense goes,  have to disagree on that point..for all of what is posted is actually written in most all of such is excerpts of such laws or rule of law known as color of law.

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Sunday 8th of May 2016 12:15:09 PM

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Sunday 8th of May 2016 08:39:31 PM

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Sunday 8th of May 2016 08:40:10 PM



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Freedom of the Land members believe that they do not have to abide by any local or federal laws whatsoever. They drive without drivers licences, without insurance and without registering their vehicles because they state it is their right. All I'm going to say is beware, and if you are going to use what is in that video, I wish you luck cause you will need it. These guys have never won on court yet. Bill


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Freedom of the Land members believe that they do not have to abide by any local or federal laws whatsoever...Really Well guess what they're written against the constitution an have no force nor effect....

Do you're research....





These guys have never won [correction]"IN" court yet.

O--- but we you want the court case an the you think they want the general population 2 have said knowledge???You do not base you're comment off of facts or truth????... You are basing such comments from what you've been told through deceptive which you seem to support....

all the best my hot rodding friend....peace love an never war...after all were all here for a short time often chose differents paths for Various reasons...nothing wrong with share n those life experiences....

Due diligence is key.......not hear say friend....research always exposes the truth.....think jack nicholson.....if you can't then you have still made a choice....



-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Tuesday 10th of May 2016 02:44:34 PM



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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CHICKEN LITTLE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Why don't you go back to selling your car parts, I think everyone is tired of your diarrhea er dissertations and the cut and paste routine.

Can we please just get back to building hot rods?

You can only make it better

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wuga wrote:

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CHICKEN LITTLE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Why don't you go back to selling your car parts, I think everyone is tired of your diarrhea er dissertations and the cut and paste routine.

Can we please just get back to building hot rods?

 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CHICKEN LITTLE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = no chicken who do you defamate ?

Can we please just get back to building hot rods? =never stopped ...someone stop you???biggrin if you notice the title of the thread contains the word no sense building those hot rod's if you can't use emmmm..

Very important to stay on top of those who claim to control you're builds......


We all know by now what they have in mind.....They only things that stop them from pushing us....Build away....



-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Tuesday 10th of May 2016 03:19:43 PM



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Ground Pounder...

Every time I read your posts or comments, I have no idea what I just read after I've been through your ranting...
I think I speak for most here, that your writing technic is very difficult to read/follow.
Take the foil hat off man. You keep referring to "winning" court cases and "want to see the transcripts"? I don't give two ****s what your personal problems are..
I'm also tired of your YouTube copy/past posts...

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!


"Real Hot Rods Have 3 Pedals!"


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I think he has isocyanate brain poisoning from painting too long with no mask. Just my observation.



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My observation is that if you don't like his posts don't read them. They are difficult to follow some times but he brings out some very valid points that should be brought to our attention.

Bob T


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Bob T wrote:

My observation is that if you don't like his posts don't read them. They are difficult to follow some times but he brings out some very valid points that should be brought to our attention.

 So, do as you say and not as you do? hmm



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that's the usual way isn't it ?



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Thread is getting off track.........

As for the posting style, everyone has their own way of expressing themselves.....and all are entitled to their opinions......When we start cutting each other down and start getting personal about it is where I have to draw the lets get back on track and cut out the insults.

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