D.I.Y. ???? more time consuming that work....it's sorta fun, 1 bottle of polish + 24 bottles of beer.
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
First I wet sand the aluminum, then I go at it with polishing compound (I used the bar type) using the type of polishing wheel pictured, in a drill. I did four slots and they ended up looking great (have since sold them). Then it's just a matter of going over them once in a while (since you already own the stuff needed) to keep up the shine. Since the wheels were polished when they were new, it won't be that hard to do (as opposed to polishing an intake where you are dealing with rough cast aluminum, which I have also done .... now THAT was a ton of work).
I also had 40 year old Halibrands done at Carcones. They were really rough and came out amazing. To preserve the finish and prevent oxidation, I wiped them down with GIBBS lubricant. Not a mark or change in three years. GIBBS is available from Jack Langen near Caledon 1-905-880-9976. He is also a dealer in Model A parts.
I also had 40 year old Halibrands done at Carcones. They were really rough and came out amazing. To preserve the finish and prevent oxidation, I wiped them down with GIBBS lubricant. Not a mark or change in three years. GIBBS is available from Jack Langen near Caledon 1-905-880-9976. He is also a dealer in Model A parts.
Tell us more about Jack Langen near Caledon is this the Electrician?,,,,,,,,,,website??
I don't know too much about Jack except that he has several barns full of Model A stuff and that he is the Ontario rep for GIBBS. We have done some trading and he is fair but he does know the market. If you have a particular need, call him and he can tell you if he has it otherwise set up an appointment and go see his barns. I have dealt with him for about ten years. He also builds and keeps weird models of the A and some are worth seeing.
remove valve stem, jack it up, bolt to a drive wheel, spin at idle, tape sand paper to a pool noodle (you can keep your fingers) and enjoy, change grits to 800 + garden hose and the wheel will come to life like magic
(put the door up or use exhaust hose + CO detector)
beer is for after...
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
remove valve stem, jack it up, bolt to a drive wheel, spin at idle, tape sand paper to a pool noodle (you can keep your fingers) and enjoy, change grits to 800 + garden hose and the wheel will come to life like magic
(put the door up or use exhaust hose + CO detector) beer is for after...
and have 911 on speed dial so all you have to do is push send before your body runs out of blood