Looking through kijiji today and spotted a 29 Ford for sale. took one look and recognized the car as one i helped build for a workmate about 10 years ago. The only thing is the car had never gotten finished. It was stolen from the upholstery shop and the owner collected the insurance. So the dilemma is how to proceed..............does the current owner know the history?
would you :
A: notify the police
B: tell the current owner the situation
C: let it slide
D: post on here and look for suggestions
The ad was only on for a few hours and then disappeared.................weird
I had my 1967 RS Convertible Camaro stolen about 7 years and I did get paid out from the insurance but I still look for. If I find it or the people that stole it the only thing I want to is give them a big kick in the nuts.
So what I would do is let the people know that it is a stolen car, more than likely the serial number has been changed so it would be hard to prove to the police. Just my two cents.
wonder if there is a statute of limitations on this being that it has been 10 years or so ?. I would just contact police and go from there . It may have been sold several times etc . and open a whole can of worms .
The choice seems to be letting a new owner possibly get screwed if you say nothing or if the law catches up with the car or letting the current owner be stuck with or possibly loose the car if you say anything. How sure are you it is actually the stolen car and can you find out if it was an ins sale. Perhaps a descrete call to the current owner advising him to check carefully the history before selling might be in order. Ed
There is a guy that sells ownerships behind me at the AACA Lindsay Swap meet. I think it is the same guy that sells at Barrie and I believe he used to sell at Stirling. I was also given a Chevy guys name that can stamp you a new vin tag at the meet also. What they are doing I believe is not illegal but the guy registering it can be criminally charged. Ask him who he sold an ownership to that matches your car right around when it was stolen. Just a thought.
Yes they are all crazzzy but me and you........... and I am not sure about you!!!!
There is no statute of limitation for possession of stolen goods. problem is 99% of these's cars have no serial # other then a number on an ownership and nothing on the car to back it up
The real current owner is the insurance company that did the pay out......unless they recovered it and sold it later on. The current person that has possession will likely lose it if reported. (Maybe someone already told him it was hot and he took down the ad.) If notified, the police would confront the person in possession and start the process of back tracking the sale of it, and likely find the thief. After only 10 years it likely didn't go through to many hands, the thief may be quite close by. Not trying to lay on a guilt trip, but if it was stolen from you, wouldn't you like to see the prick get caught? I know I would. As far as the people down the line that had bought it losing any money, if they can show that they unwittingly purchased it (by having receipts, ownership etc.) they have a very good chance of recovering their money. It would depend a lot on how much the seller wants to save his own butt and that he can prove he's not the thief. It's a can of worms no matter how you look at it. But I still can see the "outrage and condemnation" of the stolen vehicles that get reported on this and other sites. Is the outrage real or just posturing? Sorry DavyJ, looks like you have a decision, and only you can make it. Life can be a bitch sometimes, especially when you get stuck in the middle by no fault of your own.
My question to you is what are you going to proceed with? You have nothing if you did not make contact. For all you know it could have been an internet photo that the seller used as a reference. Why would you not just tell the former owner to keep an eye out on kijiji. You never know it may pop up again and you could contact the vendor. Why did you not do that the first time if you knew it was stolen ? This could create a lot of drama over a nothing or a maybe. JMO though.
| think I would first talk to the friend you helped to build the car, he may know things you haven't been told. Failing that, I would talk to the current owner letting him know what you know, he may already know the history. The last thing I would do is call the police. That may go where nobody wants it to go. I'm not saying to cover up a crime, just don't put innocents into precarious situations. I would in fact let your friend, the insurance company or the current owner call the police.
Whatever you decide to do, maybe you could post a picture or at least a detailed description of the car in case it surfaces again and the rest of us could be wary of it.
In a very similar situation several years ago I decided the best plan was to notify the guy who had the car stolen from him and let him sort it out. He had been paid off by the insurance company, the money was gone and he didn't want the car back so as far as I know he zipped his lip.
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
As with most replies I would go for A & B. I hate thieves too . On further reflection I would skip option A here in Niagara. I had an experience some years ago when a Motorhome was stolen from the garage where I worked. We reported it stolen and the locals took a report and we heard nothing for a couple of weeks. Then one day I was out road testing a car I had repaired and I saw it sitting in a backyard about a mile from the shop. I went back and told my boss and he took a ride to confirm it was the same unit. He returned and gave the po po a call and gave them the address of the house that had the motorhome. 2 days later I drove by again and it was still there. About a week later it was still there. My boss called the police again and they said they would check it out. Again we waited ,and no action was taken. We waited over another week and it was still there, by this time my boss was really getting pissed so he called again ,and after raking the answering officer over the coals he demanded to talk to the chief so he could file a complaint . From then on the wheels of justice rolled smoothly and the motorhome was removed the next day along with the thief who stole it and it resulted in several arrests across the province. As you may think I am not a great fan of the abilities of the locals.
Just think clearly on all of this ....it is 10 year old news . The insurance has written it off , the original owner was paid off and NOW it resurfaces . Unless you are a sucker for punishment , stay out of it , call the cops and let them decide what to do . You are in a NO WIN SITUATION , my friend . In this day and age with all the idiots out there I would not get involved ESPECIALLY after 10 years !!
That is a good point (seller being the thief), so not worth calling him but I definitely would call the poice and let them do what they can. I hate having a thief get away with it.
So, having a conscience and hoping to do what someone else might do if it had been mine, the police were notified and took a report. They will notify the owner, who has moved away and I have lost touch with and see how he wishes to proceed. They did take copies of the build pics and will contact kijiji to see the ad..........from there, who knows what happens next................
it could of been soft stolen, ie; original owner or maybe the upholstery shop or a combo of both puts it on stash somewhere insurance paid, which should of been the shops insurance comp, and after x number of years it is resurfaced for another kick at the cat which is actually a stupid move. they usually end up coming back in parts to be sold in a lot less time frame. i have heard of this play out a couple of times. for this to sit somewhere complete for 10 years is saying there is/was an attachment and they figure 10 yrs is enough. most legit thieves would of had this gone in pc's within months if not weeks or days. the time frame has a smell to it for it to stay whole and no one really hurt except the ins comp which in turn effects all of us.
-what to do?-humph. call a cop and tell them what you know. the insurance comp owns the car and it has probably never been re-registered or has just been re-done with a minor altercation to the paper work. where ever its been for 10yrs and whoever brought it out is a dummy for no alterations if not in parts. seeing how the ad was only on for a few hours says someone had already made a call to the original owner or the seller. whoever placed the ad can be located anyway.
-the real drama here now is how do we find out how it plays out. it will start with the original owner and whoever the seller was and go from there. make the calls and add your .02 cents.
This may go for months, the cops culd track this guy to see if he has more "nonlegit" goods he is selling. Like the motorhome story they could have been connecting dots. Maybe someone re-VIN'd the car. Well I am surely interested.... I'll set my VCR.....
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
a friend of my father had a body shop in kingston - he had a 67 mustang coupe out front that his shop had "restored" for sale
he came back to the shop one morning to find it missing so he called the cops
cops did their thing , took the report and he heard nothing for months about his car
then low and behold his son went to the local impound yard one day for an unrelated reason ... being an opp cop he had a reason
and what did he find but the mustang from his father's shop right there in the yard ... where it had sat for months after being picked up off the road a mile or two from the shop
seems it got stolen , driven until it ran outta gas and abandonded on the roadside
where it was promptly picked up and draged to the impound yard
now that raises the question , honest eff up or was someone waiting for it to go to auction ???
my father's friend did get his mustang back though
Most impound yards are private enterprises and they charge by the day so there is no incentive for them to hurry things along. They also probably thought the cops were doing something about it !!
I don't see it as a licence to kill, that poor kid (on the streetcar) simply made the fatal mistake of showing up to a gun fight with a knife.
I'm on the fence about this case. I say good ridence to that Kid because there's no excuse for terrorizing innocent people regardless of mental issues or drugs. He's where he belongs where he can't harm anyone next time he has an "episode". As far as the Cop, if he had killed him with one shot we wouldn't be having this conversation. Unfortunately, his typical Cop mentality of thinking he's above the law made him empty his clip like it was a video game. This Cop should be charged with manslaughter ( which he probably will ) and the rest of Cops that lied in court to protect him should be charged with accessory to manslaughter.
I figured someone was sitting on the car waiting to score it at auction
as for the kid , no he belongs at home , at school and maybe for the short term in the physc ward .. not a grave
we don't execute pervs for raping and killing children (though I think we should) and there's no justification for killing some kid for throwing a tantrum like they often do
standing in an empty box , he was a threat to no one
if he had the mind to stick someone , that would have happened while the street car was still full of passengers
the cop belongs in a cage packed with wild animals
and hopefully THIS coward of a "cop" will end up in one
personally I would be only to happy to be the first animal in that line
as for the kid , no he belongs at home , at school and maybe for the short term in the physc ward .. not a grave we don't execute pervs for raping and killing children (though I think we should) and there's no justification for killing some kid for throwing a tantrum like they often do standing in an empty box , he was a threat to no one if he had the mind to stick someone , that would have happened while the street car was still full of passengers
the cop belongs in a cage packed with wild animals and hopefully THIS coward of a "cop" will end up in one
personally I would be only to happy to be the first animal in that line
I completely agree with the above statement. At the time of the shooting (empty streetcar), the kid was NOT a threat to anyone INCLUDING the cop. As stated above, if he really wanted to harm/stab/murder someone he would have done it when people were still on the streetcar. I also understand (inside info) that the kid was in the process of dealing with other legal issues at the time (unreleased info) so he wasn't exactly an angel, but that cop was totally in the wrong shooting that kid in the first place, let alone blasting him with eight (or whatever) shots. The kid was already bent out of shape mentally (due to drugs or mental instability) so screaming demands would NOT have been the best way to attempt to defuse the situation .....
This is what it appears to have come down to ...... obey EVERY word a cop says, or risk getting shot ..... brilliant, just F-ing brilliant
Was the kid a waste of skin and oxygen? Maybe. Would the world be a better place without him? Possibly, I really have no idea. Did the cop do the right thing by filling him with lead when he was having issues and wasn't a direct threat to anyone (again, including the cop)? HELL NO.
From an inside source, the general feeling among other cops is the only thing the cop did wrong was fire so many shots.
My honest opinion ..... that cop committed murder and is most likely going to get away with it.
That cop just showed up , didn't even try to defuse the situation and started fireing. He says he felt threatened. Well I think we need a bunch of new cops then if 5or 6 big cops with guns feel threatened by a skinney kid with a knife and his pecker in his hand. They had him contained in a closed , empty, street car. Yes the driver told the cops the car was empty. So either all the cops were too stupid to close the streetcar door or the murdering cop was acting true to what is evidently his hotshot reputation. A very sad situation for all concerned . Now I hear the cops lawyer is saying putting his client in jail will serve no real purpose as he and his family have been already traumatized enough. Wonder if the rest of us could use that defence. Maybe that drunken rich dickhead that whipped out that family in Vaughn will say the same thing. Ed
Next time it will be "it looked like a knife so i shot him 40 times"
If not in immediate danger go for the knees (ah yes hard to hit a small target) but not with 10 shots, one is bound to hit something.
Going to be like the states, shot because you squealed the tires.
If you are afraid get a job at McD's.
If you are a afraid of fire don't be a fireman,
if you are afraid of jail don't be a senator.
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
wowser, did this ever get off track from a stolen car on kijijii.
JPB wrote: Like always
henrys57wagon wrote:
Yup, totally agree ...... I absolutely HATE when conversations veer from their original topic. I much prefer one word answers then total silence ...... when will the others learn?