trailer lights . I,ve bought bulbs from several different sources and I,m getting broken filaments
On both my utility and miska tandem car trailer
the miska tows fairly smooth loaded / unloaded
The utility has the heavier spring sets and bounces a bit .
Lights are mounted securely
bulbs seem to fit snug
I cant go more then two or three tows and get broken filaments and gotta replace the bulb(s) . My usual travel routes are Barrie area to cayuga , or st Thomas . Younge st and 400 series , And local barrie areas and I naturally try to avoid crappy roads if I can
I,m getting this with 1157 bulbs
So , is everything from China just messing with me , or is it time to enter the 2000,s and go LED
I,m as cool as Milner , but axeually a bit more like Beckwith
I'd go LED's not just the bulbs but complete unit's. My car trailer [also from Miska] built in USA has full "Led's" unit's & never had a problem yet, Many trips to West Virginia!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
X2 on the LED lights, filiment bulbs are a thing of the past,change everything to LED alot safer from behind,as not to get rear ended by someone that could not see MY regular bulbs,I know from experience,LED all the way
If it has Tits,Tires or a Track,your gonna have a problem with it.