Hi everyone. I'm hoping to change over the front end on our Falcon( Comet next) to the "Granada/Comet disc brake" front suspension.
I know there are lots of sites online and lots of posts on H.A.M.B. regarding what spindle/ rotor/ caliper/ etc to use but I was really hoping someone here has first hand experience on doing this job, that could share what they've learned.
There seems to be a wide range of opinion on what works and what doesn't so if you've done the swap I'd like to hear about it.
Also, does anyone have a link to a good Ford/Merc suspension parts list?
Don't know how different a Falcon/Comet is from a 55/56 Ford, but I put Granada spindles on my 56. Just need to ream the bottom hole with a 7 degree reamer - end of story.
If brains were wire, some couldn't short circuit a firefly.
you need the two different knuckles side by side - then you'll see the differences
and remember to check the distance the tie rod point is from the lower ball joint
changes there change your turning circle
I had a buddy that did small bolt pattern to large in a duster
- missed the difference in shank size of the upper ball joints to the knuckle
two weeks later the thread in part of the ball joint ripped out of the control arms - taking the threaded socket in the control arm with it , leaving just a nice ragged hole