sadly by the rusty bits I'd think one of the recent owners was trying to add some genuine vintage "gasser forgotten behind the shop" to it
though a new idea .. leave the new painted gasser /vintage rod outside .. all the time so it gains a real patina .. maybe even figure out a paint that shows age quickly
instead of painting the patina on .. make it real
-- Edited by DJD on Wednesday 23rd of October 2019 02:39:14 AM
when the Cat built it he did so on a budget.the cheap chrome valve covers all rust pretty quickly the master was not painted or to the headers I think they were donated to the build may be to the interior chrome it is well aged.neglected maybe but to each their own much like a hoarder.hope the Cat is still doing well
I WAS thinking the rust helped it look like a "legitimate" 50-60 year old car .. a little fading of the paint & you could sell it as such if it were not already known
but then I'm a bit weird .. I like dirty corvettes for some strange reason..
you know,.. ones that look driven , not posed
-- Edited by DJD on Wednesday 23rd of October 2019 04:07:15 PM