The lower panel was a pretty interesting piece to make in one panel, lots of compound curving and a far bit of shrinking to get it to fit as nice as it does but all we used was my trusty wooden stump, a plastic mallet, my cheapy Eastwoods planishing hammer and to get a little more shrink to transition from wheel well to lower splash apron we used a Princess Auto shrinker to bring it around a little more after tucking the metal and planishing it a bunch first..I love playing with steel.. The big patch up where the body side moulding rotted it out, I have a cheap Eastwoods bead roller that I've powered with a 1/2" variable speed drill driving a Chevy LS flexplate with ring gear and a matching starter drive gear welded to a piece of 1/2' round stock that chucks in the drill. We used a 1/4" step die in it to perfectly match the step in the factory fender.. Heres a quicky video of my bead roller when I first used it a few years ago..
Your daughter is a fortunate young woman .....on the other hand, as a Dad with kids who are interested - like she is - in what we do I think we're actually the fortunate ones Chris.
She is also constantly messing with her daily driver too, she’s lowered it with a bit if my help, painted out her wheels, made her own side skirts ( body kit) and built the roof rack from a repurposed liquid tote box cage!
So we have had a summer where Kelsey was able to get a bunch more done to her old Mercedes and has probably clocked 7-8000 miles on it at this point now and loves it..
Here's the first piece she made for the fender we could not find ( at least an affordable one..)
The lower heel was bad too, great time to learn how to form and fabricate sheet metal anyway...
Lowered and test fitted my Maverick Grabber wheels to get that retro feel and to disturb the hard core Benz owners,lol..
Shaedown run after a new transmission, a safety and some legit insurance, this is in Colborne..