Could someone please post a list of things to do to a ride to prep it for winter storage in a cold garage ? I know, I know, heat the garage. But if I am putting it in cold storage, a list would be nice. Things like a full gas tank or near empty, remove the upholstery if possible, put it up on dollies, etc.. Thank you in advance.
Been a long time since I did that routine but there were a few things I did.
Yes keep the fuel tank full, add stabilizer especially now with the fuel we have today. If possible avoid any ethanol added fuel. If u search out your area u can find those sources.
Battery out if not obviously a battery tender.
I always had a vehicle on stands but try to load the suspension. Tires can flat spot even though its rare.
Keep windows closed , mice are nasty. I used yrs ago special mouse food , gives them a belly ache and they die . Got it at TSC , what’s availed now don’t know. Used to put a chunk of upholstery foam near the car, figured the little buggers would go there . It did work.
Air freshener of some type inside the vehicle and moisture packs.
gotta be young and dumb before you get old and wise
Thank you Torquewar. I have dollies that aren't flat to allow for the tire shape. I am guessing that should compensate for 'flat spot' ? And the chunk of foam on the floor is brilliant. Thank you again. I have written down all your advice and will adhere to them.
I have always put mothballs on the floor, under and around the car, but not in it. That way the smell isn't in the car, or not much, and is easily vented out in the spring.
I also have put an old carpet on the floor so the tires aren't on concrete.
With the battery pulled out, keep it off the concrete floor at home, like some wood, and give it a charging every month so it will be good in spring.
Shell 91 octane gas has no ethanol in it, don't know about other brands, so running real low in the fall and then filling with that and some stabilizer is good.
Also, cover it, even indoors. I like to wax it before I store it, won't need doing in spring, unless you want to.
The only thing I did parking my truck outside was fuel stabilizer and disconnect one battery cable.
Started right up every spring. Left the battery outside in the cold. It wasn't scared.
-with gas tank 1/2 full or less put in a good amount of stabilizer and fill tank with shell hi-test. i heard the same thing randy says about no corn or very little in it. the drive home will get it through the entire fuel system. -i use smaller tupper ware containers and put a 1/2 dozen moth balls or so in each and poke some holes in the lids. a couple in the car and one each in the trunk and under the hood. in the spring i put the containers in a plastic bag and seal it as good as possible. they will last for some years. --under the hood, -i try to change the oil when it is warm, usually after getting the last gas fill up. pull the plug and let it drip dry while you are onto other stuff. -i always check my antifreeze condition and level along with the belts and pulley's. for piece of mind more than anything with the antifreeze. -i put a battery tender on and bring it up to a full charge then unhook a cable. which one is up for debate but i take the pos off. on about the 2nd day in the spring that you think maybe a small spring test ride, put the tender back on for the next maybe and bring it back up slowly to full charge. i find the slow spring charge has saved me on batteries over time, especially the smaller ones for atv's and etc. --put the oil back in, change the filter and park it where ever you put it.
that is fairly close to my fall ritual. they are stored indoors and not heated. the spring ritual is a lot less if you get it done with the fall one. lol eventually you will develop your own ritual's. there is more things to it but that is part of the ritual. lol you are getting some good advise on here, good luck.
Just a note here re Shell 91 octane being Ethanol free. When i gassed up last Friday at the local Shell station here i noticed a sticker that said ALL GRADES contain 10% ETHANOL. I used Shell 91 in my Chevvy all the time because of it being Ethanol free now i will have to find another source.
I Gassed up yesterday at a Shell in Niagara Falls and there was NO ethanol in its 91 grade gas. I guess it all depends which station you choose. Best to check all stickers before you gas up.
Being " Old School " , I still do many of the things mentioned above , as well as , after changing the oil ( hot ) , I still Fog the motor with ATF while hot . That coats all of the " fuel side " components as well as the entire exhaust system . It stays that way till Spring . I do not start it every few weeks , because I feel that serves only to fill your exhaust with condensate , putting it on the garage floor by Spring -- Hope that helps -- LATER -- DON / Fleet 51
I Gassed up yesterday at a Shell in Niagara Falls and there was NO ethanol in its 91 grade gas. I guess it all depends which station you choose. Best to check all stickers before you gas up.
According to Shell's website, their 91 grade "V Power Nitro" gas has no ethanol at all stations in Canada. That other Shell station needs to update their stickers on the pumps.