I am looking forward to practicing my welding come Spring. I understand salvage yards are the best place to buy cheap but I only have scrap yards near me. Can anyone tell me where they get metal cheap between Toronto and Ottawa ? Thank you.
I am on my way to Belleville steel,prices have gone up on everything, 1piece I bought was $43, last November and today $63, same piece and same location in the store,that I bought in Nov,crazy
If it has Tits,Tires or a Track,your gonna have a problem with it.
You don't need nice flat shinny pieces to practice on. Go to the scrap yard or to a local garage and sort through their scrap. Grab a half dozen pieces and go home and practice. Don't get anything too heavy, probably sheet metal pieces, clean them up and weld. Like Geoff said, you'll blow the budget buying practice pieces.
Thank you guys. I knew you guys would know where to look. I saw a video from Iron Trap garage on youtube and he recommended salvage yards but I think that's in the states so I thought I'd ask here. Side of the road has become a favourite since I learned I'm not supposed to take metal from the scrap metal dumpsters around town. I used to throw some in and take some out. I didn't know you couldn't. Silly me. I have a wreckers yard not far away so I'll ask there. Thank you. I have to practice and I have some tools to make. This is great !
Cuddles you can also ask at the local garage. My son in law has a pile at the business he owns but I know if someone came in asking for some pieces to do what you intend he'd give them out.
Thank you Lightspeed Mike ! I will go there for sure. And sorry I never did find that online video with your ride in it. I still keep looking. It will turn up someday.
The Steel Store in Pickering was great for me, they would let me root through the cut offs and I thought the prices were great. Great assortment of 2x3, angle iron and sometimes some high carbon stuff. This year, I needed an 8x4 piece of sheet metal for body work and it was about $65.00 905-686-6640 With Covid, I don't think they will let you just poke around though??
i see you live near keene and i can bring some scrap body pc's and some other odds and sods up to the farm not far from there if you want to pick them up. i have to clean up around here before i eventually move and you can have some of this stuff to practice with. let me know bud. oops forgot lol there is a wood stove up there with the fire box pooched but the rest is good heavy metal to practice with also. hope you drive a truck. lol
-- Edited by shag766 on Saturday 13th of February 2021 07:01:36 PM
This is great ! Yup, I drive a truck and with this cold weather it needs a run now and then. I never go anywhere since we're told to stay home but this could work. Anytime is good for me. Thank you Shag766 and 123Pugsy (and everyone) ! With scrap dealers, trash and good hot rod friends like this I just might become proficient at this welding thing. jlangford@nexicom.net for directions and the best time please. No rush. My garage is still colder than is comfortable. I know. I have to fix it in the Spring.
Cuddles, are there any guys who repair appliances in your area or replace furnaces? Usually those guys have a couple items laying about that you could pull the sheet- metal off.
You might think of patroling the street on garbage day. People put out all kinds of things knowing there are others out there who patrol looking for scrap metal. I know ,in my area, any metal objects put out the night before aren,t there the next morning.
Thanks guys ! I am in a bit of a spot for picking up metal at the moment. My truck sold yesterday but I am looking already. I am told finding something from late 30s to early 50s is a challenge but I'll keep my eyes open. Something will come along someday, even if it needs a little work. I don't trust the new 2nd hand trucks anymore. All the computer stuff breaks down and costs a bundle. Lesson learned. Back to the vintage for me.