Does anybody else on here have a infestation of Gypsy Moths? These little buggers have eaten almost every oak,maple,poplar and blue spruce on my property
I have had pretty good luck using my 2 gallon pump sprayer and about a mug full of commercial soap ( Princess Auto )- They don't go very far after that -- LATER -- DON / Fleet 51
had 'em in muskoka one summer when I was a kid .. early 70's
early morning you could ACTUALLY hear them munching on the trees
road to town was slippery with caterpillars..
I think the following summer we had an excess of baby toads.. there were "clouds" of them crossing the road going to and from town .. also making for a slippery ride
Got rid of our gypsy's with this.,,, TSC / Pevey Mart sells it and apparently Home Hardware so I'm sure lots of other places. I use the "Roundup" back pack sprayer that sprays 8 meters. (I think the 8 meters is over rated). One spray and they seam to be gone.
I have a backpack sprayer for Round Up,but I have 8 acres with about 1000 or more trees infected,so I think it would take a lot of juice to do the job,some of thes trees are 60-80 tall,absolutely nothing left of leaves
If it has Tits,Tires or a Track,your gonna have a problem with it.