I have an aluminum cylinder head I want to cut up like a loaf of sliced bread and I'd like to do it on a "beer money" budget .. 'cause I'm not asking alot.. just enough time to use up one saw blade ...
If you don't need absolute precision cuts, an 8 inch steel blade on a reciprocating saw will get err done.
mmm.. that's not a bad idea .. and I have one too.. shows how much I hate / use reciprocating saws ... didn't even think of it ..lol
Thanks !!
Aluminum blade on a table saw!
You would have to have a veritable speed band saw with a bi-metal blade for the job. Wood shop would not have a band saw to cut metal.
You could use a horizontal saw and lots of those around and be a more accurate cut than a vertical saw
Yes they are all crazzzy but me and you........... and I am not sure about you!!!!