I am hoping to work out a lot of little 'kinks' whenever the weather allows or at least in the spring. One issue is my doors.
When I first got my model A Tudor on the road, the doors used to swing open all the time. Then my 94 year old friend and neighbour from down the road who used to own a few of these in his time said I was missing the small catch that the doors rest on. It is located on the B pillar about halfway up the portion below where all the glass is.
So I fabricated two and put one on each side. Now my doors don't pop open when I'm driving anymore but my door handles stick. I can open the doors from the inside but now I have to punch the door with the palm of my hand when I lift the lever to open them. I think something in the handle needs adjusting but I'm not sure what or how. The rod running horizontally across the door for the handle mechanism appears to be straight and ok.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? Thank you in advance.