I recently attempted to add the brake fluid to my clutch and I cant get a "good pedal "
Does anybody have a good tip or trick to get the perfect bleed for a good clutch pedal feel?
The thing that puzzles me is the fluid goes through the system fine... it did spit a bit of air at the bleeder, but then it had a nice flow. Still the pedal is easy to push to the floor.
A) See if you can find name brand on the stuff and see if they have a tech hot line or 2) bottle bleed slowly push pedal down stop just before bottom wait a second , slowly release pedal , take foot right off wait one second repeat . Run two or three resevoirs full thru the system , then do a few pressure bleeds , push down about 3/4 way crack bleeder , close bleeder before pedal hits floor , repeat a few times . We use this method on all kinds hydraulic clutches
I,m as cool as Milner , but axeually a bit more like Beckwith
The bearing is a Howe... I did check the gap with everything bolted up....
It's hard to tell what exactly how much play is in there looking though the hole where the lines go through the bell housing. it doesn't seem to be sloppy... I can rotate it a bit, but it doesn't seem to move front to back much, maybe a 16th
The best way to get on your feet is to get off your ass.