Well it's swap meet season and time for gatherings but be careful out there. I got kind of careless and wear my mask in side sometimes and maybe forget to wash my hands sometimes when getting back in the car to go home. Well, I got sick. I don't think it was covid. Just a flue but it had me horizontal for 5 days. I jst couldn't stay awake. Started on Friday of the long weekend and lasted through Tuesday.
Funny thing, my friend and his wife had the xact same thing back in February. Just couldn't stay awake for days. No other symptoms but you'll know it when it hits - after you finally wake up.
Not trying to be the voice of doom or scare anyone. Just sayin, there is still some kind of flu out there. My wife cared for me for 5 days and she never got it so it may not transmit easily. I don't know.
All the best everyone. Happy motoring.
I'm not posting a photo with this cause I'm ugly enough when I feel good. You don't want to see me ill.
That does sound like covid. Did you test?
The wife and I came down with it 2 weeks ago. Just tested negative on Sunday. We have no idea where we picked it up. We don't go out a whole lot. This is our first time we got it in the 3 years since it started. I am the first to admit that I am not a mask wearer but have had the vaccines and boosters. I am wearing a mask now if I go into a store as I don't know if we are still contagious. If you Google it, you get a bunch of dfferent info.
Hey Jim. Sounds like the good Covid I had. Nice because I came home from work at 8 AM one morning, laid down and woke at 12:30! 4-1/2 hours of bonus sleep.
That was about it though, no more good Z's after that. Bummer.
Don't feel too bad - I couldn't wake up for days. I was a sleeping beauty without the beauty. It only hit you for a few hours ? Maybe you weren't ill, just overworked and needing rest ?
Don't feel too bad - I couldn't wake up for days. I was a sleeping beauty without the beauty. It only hit you for a few hours ? Maybe you weren't ill, just overworked and needing rest ?
No, I had it. Tested positive.
Ya, only one day with the extra sleep..........I was celebrating that day.
humph! something went through this area about 4-5 months ago and put a lot of people, male and female on their couch's for 5 day's plus. it seemed the younger you were, the shorter they were on the couch, if anything. this could be a new normal for a lot of our generation maybe, don't know, humph lol. this covid thing changed the world i grew up in.
Did the test. Came in negative. I feel fine now but want to make sure I don't give anyone what I had. That was 5 days without workin on the rod. Stay safe everyone.