Today while driving over to my son's garage on a secondary straight stretch of road, there were 3 big patches of rubber were someone was testing out something fairly strong by the length of the rubber tracks on the pavement!
At temp today of +5c and sun, i guess the temptation got to them!! Lol
We observed a 67 or 68 T-bird out on Saturday the roads were dry. I don't know if the guy was just moving it somewhere or it was a winter beater. It looked to be in decent shape from 10 yards away. Regardless it gave me the feeling it wont be long now
Cloudy morning, but mild and temps are to be above 0c today, got another 2 inches of snow since saturday, the snow is slowly dropping in depth, had a pair of Bald Eagles fly over yesterday, probably a mating pair, good sign.
My, how the weather has changed!!!! Just when swap meets were around the corner, we awaken to wrath of Mother Nature. Hopefully, this is the end as this old guy has had enough.........