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Lego Toronto Maple Leaf rebuild kit




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Very good.

I really hope that the other Canadian teams do well. They all seemed to have the desire to win unlike the Leafs. I think a team I hated, Ottawa, may just be my new team. May even buy a sweater, not a Ottawa sweater, perhaps just a plain black one that will keep me warm.

Now on to "Night Fishing with Phil". Opening episode on Leafs TV tonight at 7:30. Pre Fish show on at 7:00 with special guests.



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I USED to be a leafs fan ... way way back in the early 70's

but then I grew up N got older and wiser

though I do have to admit I quite enjoyed sittler vs boston

I had already stoped being interested in hockey then but that game I just had to continue to watch

I haven't been able to stand more than 5 min of the idiot leafs since sadly

thankfully I have hobbies and don't need to live through others watching their failures



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The whole Leaf situation seems odd to this old diehard fan. The NHL relies on Leaf money to support less well-off teams. With the fact Leaf revenue is dropping it just might not be an accident that in the year one of the best young talents to come along since Crosby , the Leafs end up in a lottery position. How does a team completely change after Christmas and tank so completely . I will not be surprized in the slightest if the only thing the Leafs win this year is the lottery. It would be good for the Leafs and good for the NHL. Kinda like the old Earnhardt cautions NASCAR used to throw. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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As far as the LEGO Leafs Kit goes the kit fails to mention there are several pieces missing and even the manufacturer doesn't know when they will be available. As for the Leafs tanking, it wasn't the coach, they proved that. The players are not that bad, they proved that before Christmas. I myself think there is meddling from the owners and the higher ups in the organisation and the team as a whole rebelled against them. I was and am a long time Leaf fan and CAN remember watching them win a Stanley Cup. At my age the memories are starting to fade and waiting for them to win another is bothering me . I wonder if I will still be here when they win again or is it going to be another 47 years.



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I just (literally yesterday) passed on the "opportunity" to take over Leaf season tickets from the estate of a deceased uncle.  Two Blues and two Reds.

Seems that because I am family, I wouldn't have to pay the $14000 licence fee for the Blue seats, or the $23,000 licence fee for the Red seats.  That's just for the LICENCE to purchase season tickets .... I would however, have to pay just under $10,000 for the actual season tickets for the Blue seats (I was told that even though the Blue seats that my uncle owns are cheaper than the Red seats, the Blue ones are actually better seats so I wasn't given, and didn't ask, the cost of the Red season tickets).

Since I am not a hockey fan, am not interested in continuing the relationship with the "agent" my uncle used to sell his tickets (read that as "scalper"), and not interested in trying to sell them myself, even just for cost, and am not interested in paying HUGE for a beer at the ACC IF I was to go to a game ... I passed.


Apparently the list to become a Leaf season ticket holder is over 1000 people long ... guessing I just made two people happy  confusenoblehsmile




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I cant understand why people continue to throw money away like they do. Maybe if more people refused to buy the overpriced tickets they would smarten up and actually IMPROVE the team.

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